
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

New Ultra Basic Tyler shipping soon at Tonner Direct!

Check out the new Ultra Basic Tyler models in stock at Tonner Direct! These are the new Tyler sculpt--it's also supposed to be an affordable Tyler. And listed at just $49.95, it's not a bad price. Stands are extra (about $10), but available separately. The expected ship date is March 28, 2008. Three dolls are being offered:
  • Raven with blue eyes
  • Red with hazel eyes
  • Blonde with brown eyes
I have to say, I love the raven-haired doll. I think she will be my new Anne Boleyn! Maybe I can justify buying a few extras for my daughters' own Tylers!
Also, an additional note: through April 1, you can take $5 off with a special coupon code, just on Ultra Basic purchases. Use promo code: TCS03
To get more coupons and newsletters from Tonner, sign up for their newsletter here.
Photo courtesy Tonner Doll Company.

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