
Thursday, April 23, 2009


Destini, originally uploaded by tac_stamper.

My very first Berdine Creedy doll has arrived from Sweetheart's Dolls (Thanks, Carolyn!)., Destini. I'm smitten!

This little resin girl stands own her own easily at 12.75" tall. She includes three interchangeable face plates--she's smiling here. She also has a serious face plate--for which I have a top secret plan--and a sleeping face plate. The plates are delicately painted and have real eyelashes.

She also includes two sets of eyes (since you don't need eyes for the sleeping plate!), and I got turquoise and hazel. I put in this hazel pair side-glancing, which was harder than it looks, but it came out cute.

In addition, she comes with two wigs--this one, and also a slightly shorter red wig. I had a really hard time getting the wig on--she needs a wig cap (I do a cool glue gun wig cap technique, or a thin coat of Aileen's Tack It Over and Over), and I think that would fix the problem.

Destini's outfit consists of: panties, two pairs of stockings (red or white), shoes (they zip, for easy wear), red t-shirt, plaid pleated skirt and zip hoodie. See the rest of her photo shoot (in my blue family room) on my Flickr album. She's a cute little thing! (Certainly will not be my last Creedy...)

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