
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

New Ebay listings...

All right, all right...

So after checking out Susan's links, I realized I needed to speed up some of my sales as well. I've just posted a few of my former grails on Ebay. I've had some success with The Doll Show & Sell Marketplace, but there's no incentive for buyers to follow through with their transactions.

If you're interested, check out my new auction listings here. I have a bunch of pre-orders that are being released in May and June (along with our first mortgage payment), and my timing couldn't be better!


  1. Hi,

    I was wondering the name of the middle doll you have posted here. She's gorgeous in that wonderful gown! Thanks.

  2. Sure that's a limited edition Sydney doll-La Belle Mademoiselle, by Tonner Doll Company. She was a limited edition from the Paris Fashion Doll Festival from 2008.
    I don't own her anymore, but I bet you can find her here:
    (Click on Online Shop, then look under Tonner Dolls and Sydney--I found her there, but for some reason, it won't let me link directly to her.) :)


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