
Sunday, August 8, 2010

One of my IFDC splurges

#6 Ponytail
Originally uploaded by alington
This Number 6 vintage Barbie (with repainted lips and nails) was a splurge for me at IFDC. I bought her from Kathie Tilton, and I hadn't planned on it. But you should have seen her display! There was only one like her--and I adore her rounder face, and dark hair. I walked past her like three times, hoping someone else would buy her. And she ended up coming home with me.

I love her. So classy. Those repros, well, they can't hold a candle to the real girls.

This outfit is I Know a Place from this year's Randall Craig's collection. I think it's amazingly detailed. I love it, too. You can see more photos on my Flickr photostream.

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