
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Alice Project, Day 22

Mod Alice, originally uploaded by alington.
This is a limited edition BJD by Berdine Creedy. There were only ten of this doll, Mod Alice, made for the shop Wishes and Dreams, to sell exclusively. She stands 12-3/4" tall, and uses the Uniti face sculpt, part of the Butterly Child line.

I believe her outfit, Tibetan lamb wig and face up are all by Michele Hardy. She also included the soft white rabbit. You can check out a few other shots of her on Flickr as well. I bought this doll on the secondary market, and I find her cheerful face irresistible.

I'm a little behind in the group Alice shots, due to a doll meet, but I will post catch-up photos soon.

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