
Monday, October 4, 2010

The Fashion Doll Review received an award!

The Fashion Doll Review has received an award from me-noemi, a fun doll blog from Argentina. I'm so flattered. (Thanks so much!) Go pay her a visit and check out her blog (use Google's translate page tool if necessary) and photos, too!

The rules on this prize, if you'd like to play along, are as follows:

Write a post about this prize, including the photo above and a link to the blog which awarded you the prize. Then, award it to 15 blogs that you enjoy reading. My (doll-related) winners are:
  1. Barbie Collector Obsession -
  2. Children of Eve -
  3. Collecting Fashion Dolls by Terri Gold -
  4. Doll Head -
  5. Dollipop -
  6. Dolls of Color -
  7. Fashion Doll Empire -
  8. Fashion Doll Guide Blog -
  9. Mini Treasures blog -
  10. my passion is: DOLLS -
  11. Random Doll Blathering -
  12. Raum für Raum -
  13. Room of the Dolls -
  14. Royalty.Girl -
  15. Shuga-Shug's Blog -


  1. Congratulations on your Award, Alison!!!
    Of course, I am not surprised as your Blog is Fantastic in many ways.
    I am very honored you like my Blog and this makes me very happy.
    Many thanks!!!

  2. thanks - you got it back ;) - congrats - you have just won a blog award in mini treasures blog:

  3. Congratulations! I've also given you this award because I enjoy reading your blog and looking at your pics ;) I always love the brightness of them ;)


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