
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

BarbieCollector sale started early--last night!

According to another one of our bloggers, the 25% off sale at started yesterday. So go pay the site a visit and see if there's anything you need for holiday shopping there!

Here are a few of the items I've noticed this morning:
  • Barbie Basics accessory packs for $13, and all in stock dolls (except for No 10, if you can believe it!) are $18. This is for 1.0 and 1.5 dolls.
  • Quite a few of the sold out Blonde collection is back in stock, including my favorite, Sealed with a Golden Kiss clutch.
  • $5 shipping seems to be in effect still. Very cool!
  • The 25% is taken in your cart off the entire order (check it out while you're shopping to see), so while those Door Buster deals don't look great, it does add up a bit.
  • Wow--is that Tribute Silkstone high up on my wish list! Including US shipping, she's $117.50 today instead of $150 retail.

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