
Friday, November 26, 2010

Doll Market specials

The Doll Market is having some really great sales today. Check out their entire sales page(s) here, or you can see them in alphabetical order here as well.

The ones I found most intriguing are their Momoko sales: You can choose from Darling Denim Angel (shown here), Cosmos Sweetheart, or Honey Wild for just $99.97.

Or, if you're looking for a gift for a Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe fan, check out the fantastic prices on the dressed Coronation series dolls by Tonner: Peter is $39.97 (retail $124.99), Susan is $29.97 (retail $124.99), Edmund $21.97 (retail $114.99), and Lucy just $24.97 (retail $114.99).


  1. Wow, Alison! Those are some Great Sales links. Thanks! ~Ken

  2. Of course. Thanks for stopping by, Ken! :)


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