
Friday, November 5, 2010

Final post for the Alice Project

Click to enlarge.
42. According to Douglas Adams, the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything. If we only knew the question!

This will be my last post on the Alice Project. I've run out of Alice outfits to use, and frankly (I never expected this to happen), I'm ready to move on. 

Please feel free to check out my entire series of photos in my Flickr account, as well as more shots of the entire group of dolls. (I counted them many times to ensure there are indeed 42. Needless to say, it's been a long day.)

Hope you have a lovely weekend, readers, and thanks for following me (and putting up with my obsession) during this project!


  1. count von count sez: 42! ha hahhaahaahaahaaa

  2. Wow, that's some collection! It's great to see all the dolls together. This has been a very creative and fun project to watch. I love the various ways that you've imagined Alice.

  3. Thank you for all the lovely Alices!
    I've enjoyed looking at all your creations, now I'm inspired to start redressing some of my dolls. = )

    (I followed the link from Shuga-Shug's blog)

  4. Gina: The count always scared me as a kid, I'm embarrassed to admit. Now I LOVE vampires. (Hey! What a great idea--to do vampires instead of Alice!) ;)

    Thanks, Val. Er, some of my "imagined" Alices have been a little, well, desperate. Except Drink Me Alice. That one did come from my heart. ;)

    I'm so glad, PiscesSiren! You should definitely redress--it's very, very fun! Shug's blog is an awesome inspiration for restyling, too. ;)

  5. I have loved this whole series from beginning to now - I won't say this is the end, because I know you TOO well, it would seem. Alice has your imagination fired up, and right at the moment, you need time to rest. But I get this feeling we will be seeing more Alice theme in your future, and I am looking forward to it.

  6. i knew you had a lot of alices, but i had no idea you'd hit 42! good job, alison! this was a fun project to watch unfold... :)


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