Monday, November 15, 2010
Sideshow Collectible's Mr. White: Trying Out Action Figures, Part I
This post is part one of a multi-part post. While writing this I realized that it was just going to be too long for one post. Exactly how many posts, though, I don't know.
One of the members of our local doll club has some GI Joe type action figures and she uses them in displays with her fashion dolls. From a viewer's standpoint, the action figures seemed to have more poseablity than many fashion dolls and the possibility of striking more realistic poses was greater. Also, from pictures I've seen on the internet and elsewhere, action figures can come with some pretty awesome accessories. Both of these points could make for some really fun dioramas.
Action figures can be fairly inexpensive generic figures that represent some career or activity or they can be more expensive representations of characters from well known television shows or movies. Some of these representations will actually have the face done in the likeness of the actor or actress portraying the part. You want Sean Connery to attend your fashion doll's holiday party? Just buy a James Bond from Dr. No action figure. So, how would I choose?
Since the world of action figures is new territory for me, I didn't want to make an expensive purchase that I might later regret. At the same time, I wanted a figure with a face sculpted in the likeness of an actor. The rationale for this was two-fold. I wanted the fun of having a recognizable face from the entertainment industry and I wanted to be able to judge, up close and in person, the quality of the likeness of the sculpt.
I had a $20 gift card from Sideshow Collectibles so I scoured their website for just the right purchase. I decided to purchase Sideshow's own Mr. White from the movie Reservoir Dogs. After using the gift card and adding in tax and shipping, my total came out to just under $60, which is on the lower end price-wise since some action figures can retail for close to $200. As for the facial recognition, Mr White's face is sculpted in the likeness of actor Harvey Keitel. So with this purchase I met my two criteria.
What were my impressions regarding the sculpt? Does he pose well? What are his accessories? Please check back for part two.
Great photos, Val! I love this new project. I can't wait to read more!