
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Fashion Doll Friends 2011 Tonner Luncheon

Save the date:

FDF Tonner 2011 Luncheon
"French Masquerade Luncheon"
Robert Tonner is the guest of honor!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
10 AM - 3 PM
Cleveland Marriot East
26300 Harvard Rd
Warrenville Heights, OH 44122

Registration is $199, and includes the exclusive event Tonner Company doll (Daphne sculpt, dressed and wigged in 18th century French fashion), program and lunch (served at noon), exclusive access to salesroom (for attendees only) and raffle. The raffle will benefit Hattie Larlham Services, a non-profit organization that provides services to children and adults with developmental disabilities.

Out of town guests may reserve rooms at special rates at the hotel. Visit FDF's home page for registration information. Payment may be made in full or in timed installments. Checks or Paypal are accepted.

There will be several Absentee Packages available, which include just the doll (shipping is additional). Contact FDF soon to order yours. (It's Daphne dressed in Rococo style, people! Of course I ordered mine!)

Fashion Doll Friends is a fashion doll club based in Cleveland, Ohio. They were established about three years ago. They currently have less than 10 regular members, and they are growing. They meet monthly at the Hilton Hotel in Beechwood. They welcome new members and visitors. Their mission statement:
The purpose of our organization is to promote the education, learning, and love for collecting fashion dolls.
I was able to contact this group directly, and they kindly agreed to an interview. Several of their group's members have organized such luncheons in the past, which Mr. Tonner has attended. He was the obvious choice for their event's guest of honor as well.

In the design of the event doll, the group requested the sculpt and the theme of the doll, but they have not seen the final design.

At the event, there will be a salesroom (vendors are still welcome) available to attendees only, including vendors from many areas. The raffle will consist of several one-of-a-kind dolls to be raffled off during the event, and will include donations from the Tonner Doll Company. Proceeds, as stated above, will benefit the Hattie Larlham Services.

Fashion Doll Friends is happy to accept donations. The best way you can help is to spread the word about the event, and attend, if you can. (I would love to go in person--Ohio is so far from California!)

If you are in the Cleveland area, or if you are interested attending this event or an absentee package, visit Fashion Doll Friends' website for more information.

Also, if you will be attending and can take photos at this event and would like to write a report for this blog, let me know! I'd love a guest post!

Photos property of and provided by Fashion Doll Friends, and are samples of raffle doll outfits only. Actual dolls will vary, and may or may not be included in the raffle.

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