
Friday, December 31, 2010

Mystery acrylic inset eye - is it Cami? - by Tonner Doll Company!

Mystery acrylic inset eye, rumored to be Cami.
Photo property of Tonner Doll Company.
Yesterday on Tonner's Facebook page, I happened across this lovely teaser photo. Of course, I'm smitten. I much prefer realistic eyes on my dolls than painted ones. The photo was accompanied with the following caption:
Watch on January 7th for the Tonner 2011 Mainline Collection Preview! We will show you teasers all next week as we count down to the exciting release! What is on your wish list for the new collection?
So. Save the date! It's January 7! According to at least one of the comments on there, this doll is rumored to be Cami. Oh--I would die. I have to have her.

Oh yes. And go be a fan of TonnerDirect, if you're on Facebook. And the Fashion Doll Review, as well.

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