
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Alice in Wonderliddle

Alice in Wonderliddle, originally uploaded by alington.
This is the first vintage Liddle Kiddle set in my collection, courtesy of vintage Barbie dealer Kathie, who picked it up for me at Grant A Wish. She said, and I quote, "I saw it and thought, 'I bet this is an Alice that Alison doesn't even know about!'"

She was right, and I'm no less impressed! She is so cute. A vintage Mattel brand toy, she's from 1968, and she uses one of the little sister sculpts--we thought perhaps Tutti.

Her dress is all vintage fabric and ribbon, and her hair is rooted and soft. Her blue socks are painted on. High color face with a smile.

And the White Rabbit--oh my! Such a vintage guy! He has a watch that was also used in another Barbie set--I'll need to ask Kathie which sets. It's so cute.

Alice in Wonderliddle are on my Alice shelf--you can see more photos of my display on Flickr.

1 comment:

  1. Liddle Alice looks totally at home in your collection. She's so darn cute! Mattel used the brass clock in Barbie's Sweet Dreams fashion, Ken's Sleeper set, and the Party Fun PAK.


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