
Monday, May 2, 2011

Talking Julia in Lunch on the Terrace

Julia in Lunch on the Terrace, originally uploaded by alington.
I am the lucky recipient of several recent trades with Kathie, my local vintage Barbie dealer and friend. Fortunately (or unfortunately, if you get my gist), she knows my style of collecting perfectly.

So, when I tell her via text or email that I have such and such dolls I'm considering selling or trading, she will bring "something special" for me to consider.

And sure enough--I am blown away.

This is the first part of my most recent trade: a mint and complete Lunch on the Terrace with spikes. Originally for the American Girl line, I thought I'd give it a try on Julia, of my girls who can pull off a hat really well. I think she's fabulous.

And how great does this outfit look in my green room? Aye! I love, love, LOVE it!

See a close-up on Flickr.

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