
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Ball-Jointed Dolls for Beginners: it's published!

BJDs for Beginners by alington
BJDs for Beginners, a photo by alington on Flickr.
Hooray! It's finished, and ready to be ordered!

You can order directly through the website here and have it shipped directly to you.

The listed retail price is $35, but use the code EXB3X2RR (upon checkout) for a special $10.00 off, valid only through the end of this month!

If you have any problems, please let me know. This title is for sale in the US and internationally. If you will be attending IFDC in Las Vegas, I will have these books for sale as well.

Also, I'm officially inviting you to the book's coordinating blog, BJDs for Beginners, which includes active links to all the reference sources I've used in the book, plus additional tidbits of information I've used. Please follow our new blog--we'd love to have you!

You can download a rather large Preview here.


  1. Sorry if you just tried to click through to the book--I've removed the password required for the CreateSpace store. It's functioning now. :)

  2. Congrats upon becoming a published author! I am SOO jealous.

    Have you thought of posting comments on Prego and other boards to get the word out, too?

  3. Congrats on the book, it looks amazing!

  4. How Wonderful, and Exciting!
    Congratulations, Alison!

    May I have your autograph?

    Hey! Now there's an idea. How about a contest, and the winner gets an autographed copy?

    ~ Ken

  5. Congrats on the book! I'll wait for it to appear on Amazon as that's how I can order it.


  6. Ariss, within about 3-5 days, the title will be available from Amazon, and it should also have a Search Inside feature. In fact, I have the link already. It's right here. Eeep! And it should be available soon.

    So weird! ;)

  7. Is there a Hardcover version available? The one at Amazon is paperback. Which works great as a travel companion. But as I collect books, as well as dolls. A hardcover would be great. ~ Ken

  8. Hi Ken,

    At this point, there isn't a hardcover version available yet. I'm hoping to find one, but CreateSpace doesn't offer one in full-color in a size I want to use. I can keep you posted if you like! :)



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