
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Fun with captions!

Most of the people who know me will probably tell you that I am a nightmare to watch TV with, or take to a movie. That’s because, sadly, I am a very opinionated smarty pants, both of whose parents were opinionated smarty pants.

Plus, I spent too much of my attempt at a wild, rebellious youth watching The Rocky Horror Picture Show, wherein there was a phenomenon called “audience participation.” This means that the audience would wait for their cue, and yell things at the movie. Since this is a family friendly blog, I won’t transcribe what we yelled at the screen while watching Rocky Horror, but oh, what good times those were!

This is something you can do at the average horror movie without too much offense, considering some of the cliches the average moviegoer can spot from a mile away:

“Don’t open that door, dummy! The psycho killer isn't dead!”

I got to thinking about this while I was posting on my own blog. In addition to injecting my opinion during TV shows or movies, I also have a tendency to “project” what I think about the subject of photos, too.

For the sake of harmony, however, I will only caption my own photos here, rather than risk any hurt feelings that might occur over what could be an inappropriate comment about someone else’s photos.

First up, what was supposed to be a passionate kiss following a reunion. He has just come home, after being a prisoner of war, and his family arranged it so that the first thing he saw when he came in was his wife, sitting by the fire with their twin baby daughters. Most of the photos from this set came out very nicely. This one, alas...

"Yeah, I'm glad to see you, too. Would you mind? I have fifty bucks riding on this game."

This is my favorite couple to photograph, if you go by the sheer number of pictures I have taken of the two of them. They are both by Tonner - he is Will Turner from Tonner's Pirates of the Caribbean line, and she is Sister Dreary. This is another fail from a set that otherwise came out all right. I was pretty upset with this one, because it took me a while to set it up. It was supposed to be a cute husband and wife game of "Guess who?" Sadly, it looks like she is trying to claw his eyeballs out.

"My eyes! AAAUUGGGHHH!!!"
This next one I took at my foster mom's place. My original intention was to take a picture of the display case, which showcases all of the porcelain dolls mom has made over the years for competition. The pictures I managed to get were so-so. But before I put my camera away, I was sitting in the wing chair, while mom pulled up her little table to take care of some paperwork. I could not resist the following shot as her handy-dandy spellchecker jumped up in the middle to supervise.

"Just making sure she dots all the Ts and crosses all the Is."
I really liked the Will Turner doll Tonner made, and also caved and got hold of an Arrested at the Altar Will Turner. In this picture, I have him dancing with his girlfriend, a Club Jane doll. Alas, my ineptitude at posing is showing.

"Uh, what was that line again? Could you hold that cue card up higher, please?"
There are other, less obvious fails in my collection of my past photos, but these were the cream of the smarty pants captions. But to show you how much fun it can be, here is a photo that I actually enjoy quite a bit. What funny or smarty pants captions can YOU come up with?
Caption me!


  1. "So I improvised with a sheet. What of it?!"

  2. And you'll be cruising the waters of the Aegean Sea on your trip to... Greece! (cue audience applause)

  3. Shake, shake senora, shake it left and right
    Work, work, work senora, right into my ride



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