
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Dolls to the Wall, Episode 2

Dolls to the Wall, Episode 2

Check out our second podcast and get your dolly news on the go. I've listed a ton of news and sales about Barbie, Integrity Toys, Tonner Dolls, and ball-jointed dolls in under 15 minutes this week. I've included some events as well as a much-loved update on my Steffie obsession (I'm sure you just can't wait).

Thanks for listening--if you like it, feel free to leave me a comment or a rating! I love to hear from you!

Here are some links I reference in this week's podcast:

Barbie Dream Sale
Cherished Friends sale page
Fashion Doll Review eBay Store
IMPLdoll Event
JaksJewels new BJDs
Cheryl's Dolls Check, Please Francie dealer exclusive Silkstone
Francie BFC exclusive gift set, Nighty Brights™-- they've just added photos of the outfit, too!
Toki Doki Barbie from Susan's Dolls
Dreamcastle Splits and Consignment Corner

Teddy Bear Jubilee
Wisconsin Fired Arts Event
Ellowyne's Wilde about Paris - Pat Dutchman


  1. Great podcast. Very informative! Thanks for taking the time to provide doll info :)

  2. I enjoy the podcasts - DON'T sweat the "ums" however. After all, Walter Cronkite and Barbara Walters weren't respected newscasters in a day, were they? It took time, practice, and above all, PATIENCE with themselves, and a willingness to learn from their mistakes to become so respected. Who knows? Maybe one day, there will be a young lady who wants to get into doll collecting, whose mother will say to her, "Well, you know ALISON didn't get to be that great in a day!"

    You're fun and informative about all things dolls. I like how you are willing to talk about all sorts of dolls, and find something nice to say about all the dolls, and the companies and collectors involved with them.


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