
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tonner Doll news

According to an email update, Tonner has two news postings. Directly from the email:

First, Wednesday, October 12th , will be our next product release.  It will be followed by thelast release of the year in early November , when the balance of 2011's product will all be introduced at once!  The October 12th release is almost entirely FASHION.  The November release will be our last until January, at which time we will be making a major FASHION release for 2012!!!  For FASHION categories, we are returning to our winter and summer line introductions because many of you have stated it's what you prefer.

Second, also directly from the email:

Second, the Tonner Direct and Tonner Doll websites are being combined and redesigned-completely!!!  When the new site is launched, it will be found at In early November, you will see the system we're now beta-testing, and we can barely contain ourselves it's so much better!  For those of you attending the Halloween Convention in Burlington, Vermont this month, you can expect a top-secret preview of the site! 


  1. LOL, bossy me, here are some thoughts about the redesign of the Tonner site, as well as the combination of the regular and Tonner Direct sites:

    1. I hope this means the site will be easier to navigate. Tonner has GREAT products, and I hope all of these beautiful dolls and outfits will be highlighted as they truly deserve to be.

    2. This will make research a lot easier, too. I hope they can recover the archives, with the storylines behind the fashion dolls accessible to newer fans.

    3. I hope they can streamline the sales page somewhat - as it is on Tonner Direct right now, it's kind of confusing.

  2. I'm excited to see the redesign of the website as well. Both Tonner Doll and TonnerDirect seem a little dated.

    As far as the announcement in the first box--I'm glad to hear about going back to the regular Fall/Holiday releases. I can totally understand doing the bi-weekly announcements for the licensed characters as they become available and approved. I think that's a perfect balance.


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