
Monday, October 31, 2011

Tonner Halloween convention coverage

The Beast Within and The Beauty
 Lots of great new dolls have been released for Tonner's Halloween convention. You can see a nice summary at Dreamcastle Dolls website, including photos. While you're there, be sure to check out the Consignment Corner, where you'll find lots of older dolls, repaints and hard-to-find items. She's got some terrific items at great prices in stock.

Tonner's Facebook page also has a lot of video available. You may have to scroll down this list at this point to the older posts to see the actual video.

Of the dolls released, the events had an Alice in Wonderland themed event (ugh!). They must be out to get me! Of course I love Blue Alice and the Amelia Thimble Sweet Treats set. Other dolls include Never on Time (Tonner's version of the White Rabbit), Madness and Queen of Hearts. I love her outfit. The Knave of Hearts was the souvenir.

A new Sydney BJD, The Way Sydney Does Halloween, was a limited edition piece of 50. Unhappily Ever After was the Cinderella themed event, including the Prince, Cinderella, Ferse and Zehe (the two stepsisters) and the Stepmother.

Black Flame is an interesting Antoinette centerpiece, shown here. Additionally, there were the souvenir dolls The Beast within and The Beauty.

Harry Potter lines were introduced as well, including a new Harry Potter and Hermione.

I believe, though I'm not sure, Tonner may have picked up the license for Avatar, which will also be done in resin.
Black Flame
Photos property of Tonner Doll Company.


  1. Yes, they are going to do Avatar. They began quite a while back. There is much testing and research going on. Their license is about to expire! We are all looking forward to those dolls.

  2. Thanks for posting on our convention Alison! Great seeing your thoughts. Alice, Alice, Alice. :)



    Dir. of SoMe
    Tonner Doll Company

  3. Hey!! Did you know your article is quoted and linked to the Tonner blog? Kevin's message to you should be a hint, but this is telling you to get over there and see that you're famous, girl!


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