
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Bigs and Smalls - more inspirational ideas for your collection

Autumn Gold Tyler from the 2007 Collection by Tonner Doll Company
 More ways to spruce up your collection and wish list this holiday season follow this post!

If you have the coveted Autumn Gold Tyler from 2007, you might consider adding an additional larger doll to your collection as a one-of-a-kin creation.

2006 Basic Redhead from Tonner's American Model collection
This gorgeous 22" Basic Redhead American model retailed originally for $99. Some dealers may still have her in stock. Then, what you'd want to do is hire a designer like Jennygrey Designs and ask if she might be able to make a dress inspired by Autumn Gold Tyler's dress for your new girl, in American Model size. It's really lovely.

If you do this, let me know! I'd love to post photos!

All photos property of Tonner Doll Company.

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