
Monday, January 9, 2012

New Year's Resolutions for the Fashion Doll Review

Shirred Not Shaken Vanessa by alington
Shirred Not Shaken Vanessa, a photo by alington on Flickr.
I know, it's already nine days into 2012, and I haven't posted any New Year's resolutions for either the blog or myself. My first one is to be more timely and to give you fewer excuses.

I do have a few plans for this upcoming year. I'm a fan of National Public Radio--I know, I know--and one of my favorite shows is On The Media. In the December 30 episode, there are two interesting articles, in which Bob Garfield interviewed Rebecca Rosen (The Atlantic) and Ta-Nehisi Coates (senior editor) about the world of on-line comments. Inspired by these two interviews, I've decided to upgrade FDR's comments section, and change them to moderated comments. I welcome your comments, but I'll expected them to be courteous to our author and relevant to the post at hand.

Second, I've got a new project in the works for you, dear readers, which should be completed soon. I'm aiming for a mid February release date, and I'm also hoping for a multi-platform release at some point in the near future, if I can swing it. More details to come shortly!

Third, I promise to leave the way the website looks alone for a while. I think we've got the background set the way we like it, and I'm pretty happy with it so far. While I adore the more interactive style, I simply cannot work with a site that doesn't let me use my own site on my iPad. [Insert geek alert here]

Finally, I'd again like to thank you for your loyal readership. The Fashion Doll Review has been publishing since February 11, 2008. Since I've been tracking readership in May 2009, this blog has received 683,012 views. We've had 1,720 posts within that amount of time--here's to many more!

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