
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Very Merry UN-Birthday to our own Alison!

A Very Merry UN-Birthday to you, Alison Wonderland!
Yes, I deserve a swift kick for missing Alison's birthday yesterday. I was somewhat distracted - which sounds a lot more dignified than, "I had a Senior Moment."

However, thanks to your love and knowledge of Alice In Wonderland lore, I hope that we can at least celebrate one of your 365 UN-Birthdays - yes, 365, since this is, after all, a leap year.

Here is hoping that you get many dollies without breaking the bank - good luck on that, right? - and that you, your family and your cats all celebrate with love, fun, and laughter, which are the best things ever.

The rarest and most desired tree of all...
If you happen to find the seeds to a tree like this, a simulacrum made by Mabel and Bobbi, two of the talented gals in my doll club,  please let me know. My own birthday is coming up next month, and like you, I have a miles-long Grail list!


  1. Thanks, Blue! I frankly prefer un-birthdays. ;)

    I'll keep you posted on the money tree status!

  2. Ack! I just noticed you posted this at 4:24 AM! Kudos to you, I think, for being up at that crazy hour. :)


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