
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Let's Play Barbie outfits and dolls, available separately from Joe's List!

Do you love the new reproduction line of Let's Play Barbie dolls, but rather not have the entire set? Do you need a couple of extra dolls to display the outfits? If you'd rather not deal with reselling your extras, Joe's List has the solution for you.

Currently, the blonde, brunette and redhead ponytail dolls are all in stock at $99 per doll. The first fashion,  a reproduction of Garden Party, is also available separately for $69. You'll be able to buy the other fashions separately as well, also for $69 per fashion, and they are currently available for preorder.

While the combined price of $175 from might be a better deal for the entire set, this is a simple way to pick up some extras at a reasonable price. Joe will always give you great service, too!

I should mention--I saw the Garden Party fashion at our doll meet last weekend, and wow! It's really well put together. I have to confess I was sorely tempted, even though I "don't collect reproduction." (Sure, just keep telling yourself that, Alison.)

Additionally, if you have any of the new FR:16 or Poppy Parker Teen Models on order, check out the extensive collection of $29.99 sale Gene fashions. From my experience, Spring Kissed (FR:16) fits Gene fashions just about perfectly, except that Spring Kissed is just a little taller. Poppy is supposed to be a little shorter, so these might be perfect!

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