
Friday, June 1, 2012

Crazy cat lady and Shelley

Shelley by alington
Shelley, a photo by alington on Flickr.
That would be me.

I'll introduce Shelley, the blonde Tonner Air Stewardess centerpiece from the opening night dessert. She's a limited edition of 100, and is a brown-eyed, forward-glancing Supergirl sculpt.

I was taking photos of her the other day, and I had a little helping hand--or paw, I should say. Technically, I need to revise my doll listings when I state "my cats state away from my dolls," as one obviously is interested in them now. I keep my dolls behind glass--and you can see why.

Chanel, our two year-old ocicat, thinks she is very helpful and photogenic. (She is rather photogenic, actually.) However, she isn't always helpful when she sneaks into the photo frame.

See more photos on Flickr--most without Miss Kitty. And yes, I've hidden those feather-laden Birds from convention well. Chanel Pea knows how to open some cabinets, but hasn't mastered the doll cabinets yet!

By the way--as of this afternoon, Tonner Direct still has this doll for sale on their website for $159.

1 comment:

  1. LOL, looks like Chanel is doing a little test - "Hmm, I wonder if this dolly, which I can actually get to, will taste as good as the ones with the feather garnish which Meowmie is hiding from me?"

    Poor Shelley looks like she might be thinking, "Okay, is this one of those 'When Animals Attack' scenarioes or something? HELP!!"


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