
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

IFDC, here we come!

I'm making my final preparations for IFDC today--including a trip to the salon with my two daughters this morning--hooray! And I should post a photo of my living room--it's such a mess. I have managed to stay off the evening news, which is a good thing.

I have many boxes of goodies for sale, books, dollar bins, a freebie bag, table gifts, hostess gifts, and items for my workshop, plus a catalog for the Peak's Woods dolls I'll be able to order for you at convention as well.

I can't wait to see you!


  1. Maybe you SHOULDN'T post a pic of your living room. Photo evidence, and all that! ;^)

    Have fun you lucky, lucky so and so! Will be expecting lots of your amazing pics, and a FULL report, so don't you forget it!

  2. Selecting a cute doll for children should not be picky at random. Wrong choice can be bad for child development. Because the shape and look of the doll can be interpreted differently, such as stuffed rabbit and feature a super hero.


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