
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The dolly photo bomb.

Kisha by alington
Kisha, a photo by alington on Flickr.
Does this happen to you?

You're trying to take semi-serious doll photos and boom! Someone uninvited shows up in your background.

It seems like every photo session I have an eager "helper."

Kisha is the doll shown above--a Peak's Woods BJD dressed in Val Zeitler and Leekeworld wig. Bear is on the coffee table, and Chanel is walking in front of her.


  1. LOL, you have it wrong, m'dear! You don't have "helpers" those are your supervisor, the manager and the district manager.

    Who do you think you are in that household, anyway? ;^)

  2. Happens a lot around my house too! They are the most curious creatures in the world!

  3. Thanks, Yve--I picked up the wig in the Leekeworld special from Denver Doll. It was one of the 2/$30 specials. (Sitting on my hands again not to order more!)


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