
Saturday, March 23, 2013

2013 Grand Photo Contest Voting...

Check out these photos from the Doll Wardrobe contest - entry #118, #117 and #116. Leave a comment if you'd like to vote for those photos--I think they are really cool and they stand out a lot from the others that were submitted.

You can see all the entries here.

Repost from The Doll Wardrobe blog - the contest rules:

Sup peoples!


We have uploaded all of the entries for the 2013 Grand Photo Contest!

See the entries here: 

You can vote on each entry by commenting on that blog post.

Or you can email us your votes to

One vote per person per pic.

You can vote for more than one pic.

You can vote for as many pics as you want.

You can vote for yourself.

Your family members can vote for your pics.

Your friends can vote for your pics.

You can advertise your entries on your blogs, Facebook pages, Youtubes, etc.

All votes are due by Saturday, April 6th, 2013.

Then the Final Round begins.

If you are selected to be in the Final Round you will need to submit a fourth picture -- one taken for a clue you haven't used yet.

We'll pick the four people to participate in the Final Round from a combo of the votes tally and Penny's judgment.

Then those four people will have 2 weeks to submit their fourth pic.

So start thinking about what you would do for a fourth pic.

The fourth pic will determine who wins the doll, and who will get the $35 AG gift cards.

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