
Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Mari by alington
Mari, a photo by alington on Flickr.
This is a new addition to my BJD collection. It's Mari, a tiny 10.5" Asian BJD by Limhwa in the For You size. I found her from Junkyspot, who often has these dolls in stock.

She's wearing vintage Francie #1222 Gold Rush and a petticoat from one of the Perfect Beginnings fashion Paks.

I think she's quite lovely with her tan skin tone--she's just a little shorter and thinner than Barbie, and curvier than Francie, but she can wear her clothing. I do need to find her some shoes, however.

You can see additional photos on Flickr. She wears a size 3-4 wig and 6mm eyes--so tiny!


  1. very cute and looking 60s! love her face. I just looked at Junky Spot and love so many of them but this one in particular.

  2. She's the ultimate in cuteness!

  3. Thanks to both of you--I really love her size! I've just been on a tiny dolls trip lately, and I think she is just perfect! :)


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