
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Steffie of the day: Mystery Cipsa

My latest addition is a 1970s era Cipsa doll (manufactured in Mexico, licensed by Mattel). She's a mystery doll to me, and a wonderful find from eBay.

I ordered this doll, thinking she was Activa (the Mexican version of Free Moving PJ). When she arrived, however, I noticed she has a standard Cipsa body instead of the Free Moving version.

Her face paint is all original--check out her over-the-top eyes! Plus her hair is in great shape--longer than my other Activa Barbie. Perhaps she's been rebodied on a standard body--the bodies do tend to wear out and break pretty easily.

In any case, I think she's just wonderful.

You can see more photos on Flickr.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alison,
    Mystery solved: Yes, you are right. She was rebodied. She´s Barbie Activa and she should be in a "Free Movin´" body (cuerpo con "Cintura Libre"). Cipsa began selling this doll in 1976.The body you got is from 1978, it could be for Barbie or Valerie "Peinado Magico" (the Mexican version of: "Quick Curl") or later ones. The head you got looks great and pretty though. Regards, Lino Lugo


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