
Friday, March 22, 2013

The Young Sophisticate Poppy Parker - first W Club exclusive

 The first W Club exclusive was announced last week, and it's a lovely Poppy Parker doll. She includes her new pet, Petunia. (I'm hoping to see a kitty addition to her family, too.)

Her names is The Young Sophisticate, and she retails for $119, with an estimated delivery date of late summer 2013. All W Club members are given the opportunity to purchase this doll with their membership--she is the first of five exclusives for the year.

She has lovely blonde hair pulled back from her face--and I love her giant curls. I hope the real-life doll looks as cute as the promotional photos. Her facial screening is neutral with cat eye-style liner, and she has brown side-glancing eyes--probably Poppy's best look--applied lashes, and pink lips.

I really like her outfit--it's a yellow textured dress with a black belt, pink coat, black stockings and black pumps with bows. Additionally, her accessories are wonderful: a black and white striped tote with pink accents and buckles (really done IT style), black sunglasses, oversized black stud earrings and a black ring. Her dog Petunia has a bow on her head and a collar with buckle and a tag.

Her outfit is surprisingly modern for Poppy--I think she will be a hit with collectors who love the 1960s era and contemporary style.

Photos are property of Integrity Toys.

1 comment:

  1. I ordered her too. She so cute and I just can't resist little Petunia. I just hope she's as nice as the prototype!


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