
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Royal Amelie

Royal Amelie by alington
Royal Amelie, a photo by alington on Flickr.
Oooh--wow! I took a photo! Yay!

It's Royal Amelie from the 2009 FR Nippon collection by Integrity Toys. This version has strawberry pink hair and is a special edition by LEONIDAS. She, like the rest of the FR Nippon collection, was available exclusive from Japan. With her pink hair, she's perfect for my collection.

I ordered her from Doll-Collectible, who has just fantastic service. I believe they had an older address for me on file. I don't know if it was my mistake or theirs--but the doll was reshipped at no cost, immediately, with no hassle at all. I'm really impressed, and I recommend them highly!

The prices are fantastic as well. So please check them out for all your FR Nippon needs. I have one additional photo of Amelie on Flickr, if you'd like to check her out!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your new Amelie, Alison! She's lovely. I like her pink hair - did not care for the pink haired Momoko Petworks produced many years ago - but I like this dolls hair color and style.


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