
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Steffie of the Day: Vidal Sassoon Barbie 1970s

Vidal Sassoon by alington
Vidal Sassoon, a photo by alington on Flickr.
I can't post about the 1960s version Vidal Sassoon Barbie and not also post about the 1970s version as well. Also styled after J-Pop start Namie Amuro, this doll's styling is inspired by an outfit worn in the music video to Rock Steady:

You can see sort of a crappy full-length shot of both dolls, which Leslie of The Vintage Goddess had for sale for $2400 at this year's Barbie Convention, here:

Vidal Sassoon

The 1970s version is actually for sale in her online store (I believe the set sold at convention). I think the 1960s version comes up less often and is slightly more popular.

Her arm is actually on the same side as one of the original Barbie Basic Model 03, though this doll wasn't released as a Target exclusive till two years later. Her hair style is also similar, though her facial screening is quite different.

Her outfit is really cute--check out the beaded details and the boots in the full-length photo.

Again, I'd love to add both to my collection. I can't decide which doll I like most!


  1. Even up to now Iam still drooling on these dolls because i love Barbie and Namie Amuro. The price sky rocketed ridiculously Now I think I cannot get this doll anymore..:(

    1. The edition size for this doll (and the 1960s version) are very small for Barbie, which probably contributes to the price as well. It's unusual for Mattel to make any dolls with edition sizes less than 800, and 300 is quite unusual. Also, as the dolls weren't initially offered for sale, but raffled off as a gift for signing up at Vidal Sassoon's website, this makes them even harder to find. And finally, because they are modeled after a pop star, not only do you have Barbie fans after them, you also have Namie Amuro fans craving them as well.
      I hope you can eventually add one to your collection, too. (I'd love to own both some day!) :)


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