
Monday, March 17, 2014

New Momoko: CCS 14SS (BL and BR)

Get ready for two new PetWorks CCS Momoko to hit the shelves soon!  These two Momoko dolls have the honey face with bright red lips.  These lash-less ladies have blue-gray eyes with different hair styles.  Each doll comes with the same knit dress, shorts, and wedge shoes.  The "BL" version has blond hair and the "BR" version has brown hair.

They are currently available for preorder through doll vendors and should be for sale in the PetWorks Global Store soon.  Each doll is 19,400 yen.

Want some special designs for you Momoko?  I provide lots of dolly attire.  Support an artist!  Visit my website (MegannArt) for an Etsy shop, Twitter, Facebook (with occasional discounts), Pinterest page, and much more.
Picture courtesy of Petworks.

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