
Saturday, April 12, 2014

GAW convention details, part 1

They offered extra dolls for sale, but unfortunately the room was too loud to hear the instructions. I didn't hear about it in time to get my name in the pot. So sad for me!

I won a raffle item--four Barbies donated by Marl & B--thanks, Marl!--I hope I can get them in my suitcase, lol! I see deboxing in my near future. I'm pretty happy about this.

Lunch was fabulous! The food was great--nice buffet. I am a little confused about the table gift policy. The packet states, "no table gifts, please," so the clubs gifts stand out more, but I think I may be the only one who did not do gifts! I feel terrible. So what to do next year? At any rate--it's confusing! But a great group of ladies at this table, for sure--and now I know, I think!

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