
Friday, February 22, 2008

How to collect dolls without breaking the bank

Especially when you collect 16” dolls, you may find your budget is expended quickly. I’ve done a little research online, and here are some ideas I’ve gotten from other doll collectors on sticking to your budget.
  • Make a monthly budget--like you do for the phone bill--and stick to it. I’ve heard some collectors put their monthly budget into their Paypal account at the beginning of each month, and then use only those funds for doll purchases.
  • Make a wishlist for the dolls you’d like to add to your collection, and wait for them to go on sale. Check out my post on retailers’ specials site, and visit them regularly for sale items.
  • If you don’t require dolls in mint condition, Ebay is a good way to go. Decide how much you want to spend at the beginning of the auction, and realize that if you get into a bidding war, you may go over budget. I decide in advance the maximum I will pay, and bid that amount with proxy bidding. Don’t forget to include shipping costs--these can be steep from some sellers, so buyer beware!
  • Collect older dolls. Many retailers put older editions on sale when new ones are released. While you might not have the newest dolls in your collection, you will build one without breaking the bank.
  • Don’t hide purchases from your spouse. You shouldn’t feel like you need to if you've discussed your budget in advance. If you feel tempted to hide purchases, realize that you may have the same problems with displaying them.
  • Settle for nude dolls or dolls in less than mint condition. Hair problems can be fixed easily. Doll hospitals are available if you need to have more serious work done.
  • Decide on a yearly splurge fund, just in case the doll you’ve been searching for goes on sale after your monthly budget is depleted. Decide in advance how much you’ll spend, and don’t go over that amount.
  • Avoid spur-of-the-moment purchases. My rule is that any purchase over $50 (if it’s not on my wishlist and budgeted) has to wait at least 24 hours. That little bit of stewing time is often just enough to keep you from going over budget.

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