
Monday, March 30, 2009

FAQ questions on Antoinette™ by Tonner Doll

I just discovered this on Tonner Doll's website today--a list of frequent asked questions all about the new doll Antoinette! Visit this link to discover:
  • Antoinette™'s dimensions and measurements
  • Whether Antoinette™ can share clothing with Tyler (yes, for some items) and vice versa (no, for the most part)
  • Whether Antoinette™ can share shoes with Tyler (no, since her arch is higher and feet are bigger)
  • Whether you can swap heads with Tyler dolls (no, since the neck sizes are different)
  • Why Antoinette™ does not have a swivel waist
  • All about Antoinette™'s skin tones
  • That more facial sculpts will be added at a later date
  • When the collection will be shipping (mid-summer!)
  • That the Amusing sculpt was an introduction doll, and the production doll will be slightly different.
I'm getting really excited to see the new collection--I can hardly wait for this new doll (with her slim neck and hunching shoulders) to arrive!


  1. Hi Alison, I'm Alison too.

    Got here looking for stats on Antoinette Mannequin Doll and prices. You're the one with the link to the answers! Thanks.
    I have a blog here too a link will probably come automatically.

  2. Thanks for your visit! And glad I could help. (I've added a link to your great blog as well.) :)


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