
Friday, April 3, 2009

My growing wish list...

My growing collection is morphing everyday, as I'm looking through my various Flickr groups and surfing online. I'm not sure having this blog really helps narrow my collection down--though a narrow collection isn't what I'm aiming for, quite frankly.
My newest items on my wish list: Fashion Royalty Nippon Misaki dolls. The two I currently like best are retired dolls, Tokyo Here We Go and Red Rabbit (an Alice in Wonderland inspired doll). These dolls are by Integrity Toys and are on slightly smaller bodies than Fashion Royalty dolls. They are currently only available in Japan, but I was able to find them in stock at a retailer who will ship them at a reasonable rate to the US. (No, I did not buy them... yet. I have many pre-ordered dolls due out this month, the next and also over the summer, so I have to watch my budget!)
Next, Pullip makes a small Alice doll--a mini Pullip--who I find adorable. She's really cute, and she retails for just $32. I think
she'll need to come find her way to my house soon. I can't pass her up, I think.
Also, I've been eyeing the Jun Planning J-Dolls for quite some time. Cresent Road, Vasterlanggatan and Punkaa Street are the top three on my list right now--but I like quite a few of these lovely dolls. Their outfits are very unique, and their prices are right around $80 or even less. They are only 9" tall, and they are full articulated.
Sometimes, just the idea of adding a new doll to my collection and window shopping is enough... *sigh*....
Photos courtesy JUN Planning and Integrity Toys.

1 comment:

  1. Those dolls are so life like! To have all of them would be a dream!I hope you obtain them somehow!

    -Madame Couture(Emma)


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