
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Torch Song Goddess

Torch Song Goddess, originally uploaded by alington.

This is a limited edition of 200 dolls, Torch Song Goddess, from the 2009 Dick Tracy line (Tonner Doll Company). She's the first golden-haired Breathless sculpt, I believe. Most of these dolls have been platinum-haired, with the exception of Rapunzel, who was brunette.

I bought her as a split (without her outfit) from Dreamcastle Dolls. My plan was to use her for a historical doll project, but I just haven't bonded with her. I took some more photos of her--with the macro lens--this morning, after posting her on Ebay, and I think I figured out what isn't sitting right with me: it's the bright red lips and the pale eye makeup. I think it makes her face look too wide, similar to the Mary Jane sculpt.

But perhaps if you washed out her hair gel, so it was nice and soft, it would soften her entire look. I do really love her hair color. I think it looks great on her--much better than platinum. I hope she's not the only one Tonner ever makes! Check out the rest of her photos on my Flickr photostream.

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