
Saturday, May 2, 2009

Updated shipping schedule from Tonner

Tonner Doll Company has updated its shipping schedule as of April 29, 2009. The updated dolls include:
  • Hawkwoman - beginning of May
  • Dreams of Tomorrow - beginning of June
  • Pretty Piggy and Goddess Piggy Wigs - end of June
  • Miss Piggy Takes Manhattan - end of June
  • My Fair Piggy - end of June
  • Tango with Kermie - end of June
  • Divine Swine - end of June
  • Antoinette™ shoe packs - beginning of June
  • Antoinette Cameo - beginning of June
  • Antoinette Bloom - end of June
  • All dressed Antoinette™ dolls - end of June
  • Antoinette outfits - end of June
  • Star Crossed - beginning of June
  • The Sun - end of June
  • Clark Gable as Rhett Butler™ - beginning of June
  • Supergirl Deluxe - end of June
  • Private Affair - end of June
  • Deluxe Tyler Giftset - beginning of June
Wow--June is going to be a happy doll month for me! Woo hoo!

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