
Friday, June 26, 2009

Anya in a sundress

Anya in a sundress, originally uploaded by alington.

Here is first semi-successful attempt at sewing for Anya! The dress is from a pattern from the June 2008 issue of Haute Doll, and it's a Zolala pattern, originally designed for U-Noa BJDs, but it fit her with little alterations.

What I learned: pin tucks are not my thing. Next time I do them, I will do corded ones with my sewing machine's special foot. Other than that, the pattern was pretty easy to follow. I'm not thrilled with how the gathering on the flounce came out, but it looks fine from a galloping horse.

I used quilting material for the dress and lining, and for a back closure, I used the eyes from a hook and eye set and a ribbon tie, so hopefully my Goodreau girls might be able to share.

Full photo shoot on my Mobile Me gallery or on Flickr.

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