
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Goodreau Doll - Whisper

Whisper, originally uploaded by alington.

She's officially been added to my collection, and I love her! I wasn't sure I'd like her mouth--the teeth had me worried at first, from promotional photos, but I find them quite adorable. They make her look youthful and innocent.

Whisper is a 17" resin ball-jointed Goodreau Doll that I picked up at a great discount from Still Plays with Dolls. She's dressed here in Come Home Alice, also by Goodreau, and a Kai wig (in snow). She can stand on her own (even when not wearing shoes), and she's really fun to pose.

You can see the rest of her photo shoot in my Flickr photostream or on my Mobile Me gallery.

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