
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Emphatic Antoinette in Hypnotic

Emphatic Antoinette in Hypnotic, originally uploaded by alington.

Here is lovely Antoinette Emphatic, one of my new additions, whom I purchased as a split (from Dreamcastle Dolls), dressed in Hypnotic. She's just got a gorgeous face, I think--perfect smokey eyes, even without painted lashes.

I'm also trying out the new background in my bedroom--red walls (woo hoo). So please pardon the exposure issues.

You can see more photos of this doll on Flickr, or larger photos of her on Mobile Me.


  1. Beautiful photo! Aren't the Antoinette's cool! Definitely the best line IMO ;)

  2. Thanks so much! (I really do love Antoinette's details!)


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