
Sunday, July 5, 2009

Harmoni in Pink

Harmoni in Pink, originally uploaded by alington.

My newest Berdine Creedy doll has arrived, Harmoni. She's actually from the 2008 Butterfly Child collection, a 12-3/4" resin ball-jointed doll, which I got on a great sale from Sweetheart's Dolls. This size is just so perfect for play and photography--easy to dress, fun to pose.

This is not her original outfit, though I do plan to photograph that soon as well. Harmoni is shown here in an exclusive outfit for Sweetheart's Dolls by Michele Hardy called Precious in Pink. It just suited her too well not to snap a few photos. You can see a few of them on Flickr or the full photoshoot on Mobile Me.

Harmoni includes two wigs (a blonde bob with lime green highlights and a black longer wig with bangs), and two pairs of eyes (these green ones and a pair of brown eyes), plus the outfit Going Green, a harlequin style fun suit designed by Paulette Goodreau, with a matching teddy bear and black and green back-zip boots.

I just love this doll for her pouty little expression. She just does not look thrilled. I see this look on a daily basis from my two girls at home (and sometimes from my boys), so she's as close to my own kids as I could get. She's just adorable! And again, very photogenic.

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