
Thursday, July 30, 2009

New default makeup on Peak's Woods BJDs

Peak's Woods has changed the default face-up on their dolls, including the Mintie sculpt (which formerly offered two options). Now, all dolls will be shipped with this default makeup, when a face-up is requested. It's an additional $60 upcharge to request a face-up.
These lovely ladies are currently vying for a place in my collection, as a friend for Sky:
Who do you like best? I'm kind of leaning towards a normal-skin Wake Up Cue, with an extra Cue head, since she'd be most versatile. They also used to carry a sleeping Cue--in fact, this doll is still listed on the Doll Heart website, but I've been reading on Den of Angels that that is not the fastest the way to go when ordering Peak's Woods dolls.
Photos courtesy Peak's Woods.

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