
Friday, January 29, 2010

Fantastic Mr. Fox

Fantastic Mr. Fox, originally uploaded by alington.
My second ever face-up attempt--please be kind!--is on a DollZone Fox 16 cm limited with yellow skintone. I am fairly happy with how he turned out, and I think I'm ready to seal him with my next shipment of Mr. Superclear.

He's wearing a new set of blue acrylic eyes, too. He's only 16cm tall. So cute!

Mr. Fox is my very first boy doll (really!) and my first anthro. I think he's both a little bit freaky and cool at the same time--and I loved doing his face-up. It was so much fun!

See before photos here, and some more after photos on my Flickr photostream as well.


  1. He looks awesome! I'd never seen one of these little guys before, I thought he came like that! Amazing work:) And I think he's super cute!

  2. Let me try again!

    Thanks! :) You can get them with a face-up, but I bought this guy blank. Thought I should give it a try myself. You use chalks and watercolor pencils--it's really kind of fun. (I'm SO not artistic!) :)


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