
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hyperventilation time!

Quick! Get me a paper bag! I'm going to faint!!

Two interesting pieces of news this week:

First, I heard that Peak's Woods Lady Bee (my first MSD-sized PW BJD) is shipping this week. In fact, she's scheduled to be delivered today! I have to attend a "She and Me" luncheon today at my children's school, however, between 10:50 and 1:30, so I bet I'll miss the truck. But I think I can handle waiting one more day. I am so excited!!

Second--and this is even more shocking--my friend Jen was over yesterday, and I was being extremely unproductive (I should have been cleaning house, but I was messing around looking at dolls on my iPad--if you collect dolls, you kind of need an iPad, in my humble opinion--especially if your husband happens to be, well, to put it gently, a nerdy techno geek--and truly, I mean this is the nicest sense of the phrase!).

I checked my email and got a note from my husband. This is still my first husband--you know, the one who gives me such a hard time about my doll collection? He told me this weekend (teasingly) that he couldn't leave me, because who else would do his laundry? (He sounds just like my dad!) :) Well, the email he sent me was an invoice from Denver Doll Emporium, for an order for an in-stock Peak's Woods Segi (who is an SD sized doll), normal skin, normal bust, with a face-up! And a few minutes later, a shipping notice for the same doll with UPS 2-day shipping! She'll be here tomorrow!!!

I think I need a Valium.

Photos property of Peak's Woods.


  1. LOL, don't tell him about the possibility of hiring a laundress - it's probably cheaper to pay you in dolls, than it would be to fuss with the taxes and paperwork for an actual employee.

    Congrats on the new doll, and on the hubby's reset of your allowance AND the new dolly he got you. You realize, of course, that you are being spoiled rotten, right? :D

  2. Er, spoiled is probably a good term for it. Maybe more appropriate than say, "blessed." ;)

    I can't wait to hear what my daughter Kate will say. Whatever I will say is what my wise Uncle Phil told me on a daily basis, usually while my aunt was in the room (he and my Aunt Jan just celebrated their 33rd anniversary last week):

    "Be very, very careful who you marry!"


  3. I clearly need a new husband!

    Enjoy your new dolls :0)

  4. Thanks, Kayjay!

    The next time I have a huge fight with him, I'll keep that in mind. He might be for sale at a bargain bin price! ;)

    SOOOOO just kidding! LOL!

  5. Lucky gal! She is beautiful. Will be waiting to see pictures.

  6. Yve, LOL!

    I'll let him know about the offer.

    A little OT--At dinner parties, he has threatened to introduce me as, "Alison, my first wife." ;)


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