
Monday, June 21, 2010

The No. 10 Scandal - Is Barbie too busty? - Part 2

This doll (Barbie Basic #10) was all over the news (well, in Minnesota), and all over Twitter last month. I was thinking, Come on, people. It's a doll. If you don't like it, don't buy it.

Recently, I was at Toys R Us. I saw (and just had to buy) both of these dolls displayed on the shelf. My question to you, dear readers: Is this a "production variation" or has Mattel caved to the pressure? ;)

You can read Part I of the saga here.


  1. I think some of these people actually need to go up to an employee of the store they are shopping in and say, "Excuse, me, I don't have a life. Which aisle do you keep those on?"


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