
Monday, July 26, 2010

Tonner Doll's booth at San Diego Comic Con

Originally uploaded by alington
I stopped by Tonner Doll's booth at Comic Con, and saw several dolls in person that looked quite good. Galadriel, shown here, is still the prototype version, but lovely.

Unfortunately, I only had my iPhone with me, so please forgive the photo quality. You can see some other photos, including the gorgeous Strider doll, on my Flickr photostream.


  1. You did get some nice photos of the upcoming dolls and they look great, despite being "only" iPhone pics.

    LOL, what turned me off to Prince Dastan is the hero body (does he have that? In your pic, it looked like the standard male bod) and that in the promo pics, he looked a LOT more like Colin Farrell.

    Strider is a HUNK!! I was thinking of canceling my layaway, but I have an Arwen sub who is seriously missing her manplastic.

    Yes, I know, I am a DOPE!! ;^)

  2. Thanks, Blue--I was surprised to hear Prince Dastan was supposed to be on the male athletic body. He was displayed lower than Tamina, though--but he really looked like the Matt body, to me. But quite possibly, he was only a prototype. ANd I wouldn't compare him with Colin Farrell. I stick to my previous "certain spiritual leader" comment. ;)

    I think you'll be happy with Strider. I'm pretty sure he was not a prototype. He's pretty darn cool.


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