
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Alice Project, Day 1

The Alice Project, Day 1, originally uploaded by alington.
Welcome to the Alice Project, a new concept and running photo project on the Fashion Doll Review, which hopefully will include reader (that's you!) participation.

Starting with today's post, I will begin posting a series of dolls all dressed as Alice, from Lewis Carroll's main character of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. My series will include many interpretations, many sizes, many types and varieties. In each entry, I hope to include at least one clear photo of the day's doll, her complete description (including her clothing credit), and also a group photo, including the dolls used in the previous photos. I will continue posting these photos until I run out of dolls or outfits to use (or borrow).

As far as reader participation--if you have a blog, I invite you to participate. Perhaps Alice is not one of your heros. That's fine. Use the character you love (Red Riding Hood, Madonna, Lady Gaga, Barack Obama, Elvis, vampires, fairies, etc.), and let me know you've started such a Project. Link back to me, and I would love to start a special blog subscription list to other "project blogs."

If you need a place to host your photos, please use the Alice Project group on Flickr. It's open to all doll-related photos (even the ones you don't use), though keep in mind it's for open to all ages, so please watch your language and themes. Also, Flickr is free to use, up to 200 photos, and it's simple to post directly from Flickr to Blogger, too!


  1. Hi Ali =] I really like your blog and the photo a day idea! Good luck :) If I had more time I would jump in myself ^_^ Doll of course is absolutely beautiful!

  2. Thank you! And thanks for your visit--so nice to see you posting here, as well as on Flickr.

    Hey everybody, you should check out Sirian Mermaid's photostream!


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