
Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Alice Project, Day 5

Ashlyn, a 5" resin Goodreau Tiny by Goodreau Dolls.
Day five has arrived, and Ashlyn make her grand entrance. This is in one of my favorite American BJDs--she's compact, perfectly strung and out of the box ready to go. She's only 5" tall, and she was a Bearzabout Exclusive for Goodreau for some time I believe.

My Ashlyn has a special Mod Alice dress commissioned for her from Nancie at, who really throws herself behind her work. She did a total of three pieces for me, and all three will be making appearances in the next few days.

You can see the rest of her fun photo shoot on my Flickr photo stream.

To learn more about the Alice Project, and how you can participate, visit our first post, and then comment on it (or this one) when you start. Link back to our site, and I'll post a link to your site from ours as well.

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